Friday, July 3, 2015

Emerald Shadows

 "Inter Natos Mulierum non sur-rexit mayor..."

Welcome to the greenest thing I've ever made! 
 I hope you enjoy this little video my friend Christine and I put together for Rohmy Couture while I was visiting Portland a couple of weeks ago!

  One of the more quaint anecdotes on emeralds was by the 16th-century historian Brantôme, who referred to the many impressive emeralds the Spanish under Cortez had brought back to Europe from Latin America. On one of Cortez's most notable emeralds he had the text engraved "Inter Natos Mulierum non sur-rexit mayor" ("Among those born of woman there hath not arisen a greater"; Man. XI, 11) which referred to John the Baptist. Brantôme considered engraving such a beautiful and simple product of nature sacrilegious and considered this act the cause for Cortez's loss of an extremely precious pearl and even for the death of King Charles IX of France who died soon after.

Edit: Cassie Meder 
Ropework: ROHMY 
Accessories and wardrobe: Haunt + Holly Stalder Designs 
Music: "Dark Mist" by Albinopines and "Deadly Sin" by Foxy Basey 
 Stills from this shoot coming soon!

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